Engagement Opportunities

Engagement Opportunities

The Lake Alice Watershed Management Plan project has been organized into three rounds of engagement:

Round 1: Input on the Vision for the Lake Alice Watershed (Complete)

Round 2: Feedback on the Prioritization Criteria for Corrective Interventions (Complete)

Round 3: Feedback on the Draft Lake Alice Watershed Management Plan (April 2024 – May 2024)

Round 1: Visioning the Lake Alice Watershed (Complete)

In this round of engagement, the task is to draft a long-term vision for the Lake Alice Watershed. What does it look like? What is it used for? How is it managed? The vision will be informed by stakeholder perspectives, and based on technical, regulatory and policy information. Technical information on the watershed will be collected in a series of workshops to ensure that the project benefits from the full range of expertise available in the community. The final watershed vision statement will provide clear guidance for developing the watershed management plan.

Round 2: Feedback on Prioritization Criteria for Corrective Interventions (Complete)

Following a data inventory process and updating the stormwater model for the Lake Alice Watershed, three high-priority flooding and three high-priority erosion areas will be identified. Feedback on the criteria for prioritization will be used to prepare a technical memorandum with the three highest-priority flooding and three highest-priority erosion issues.

Round 3: Feedback on Draft Lake Alice Watershed Management Plan (Complete)

The last round of engagement will be to gather broad feedback on the draft Lake Alice Watershed Management Plan. The draft plan should comprehensively synthesize all project findings and align with the vision and identified priorities established in previous rounds of engagement.