Great Invader Raider – Coral Ardisia

UF continues to participate in the City of Gainesville’s Great Invader Raider Rally. This event was previously called the Air-Potato Roundup, but the successful release of the air potato leaf beetle has worked to reduce the vines and their seeds (potatoes) to such a degree that the City decided to focus volunteer efforts on another common invasive exotic plant called Coral Ardisia. The Campus Conservation Areas of President’s Park, Bat-house Woods, Bivens Rim Forest, Lake Alice, Harmonic Woods and Bartram-Carr Woods were all previously focused on sites and will continue as such, until elimination is achieved. The volunteer’s efforts, along with the University’s long-term commitment to proper management of its Conservation Areas, will hopefully someday lead to an invasive exotic free campus. For information on Coral Ardisia go to

The University would like to thank all of the Gator volunteers for their efforts.

2012 Volunteers (Bartram – Carr Woods)

2012 Volunteers (Bartram – Carr Woods)

2011 Volunteers (Bartram – Carr Woods)

2011 Volunteers (Bartram – Carr Woods)

2010 Volunteers (Bartram – Carr Woods)

2010 Volunteers (Bartram – Carr Woods)

2009 Volunteers (Bartram – Carr Woods)

2009 Volunteers (Bartram – Carr Woods)

2008 Volunteers (Bartram – Carr Woods)

2008 Volunteers (Bartram – Carr Woods)

2007 Volunteers (Bartram – Carr Woods)

2007 Volunteers (Bartram – Carr Woods)

2006 Volunteers (Bartram – Carr Woods)

2006 Volunteers (Bartram – Carr Woods)

2005 Volunteers (Bartram – Carr Woods)

2005 Volunteers (Bartram – Carr Woods)

2004 Volunteers (Bartram – Carr Woods)

2004 Volunteers (Bartram – Carr Woods)