Our Diversity Statement

“Everyone thinks their own way, but together the thoughts create a diverse outcome.”

At Planning Design and Construction, we strive to employ talent as diverse as the client base we serve.

We believe that a diverse and inclusive workforce is more creative, resilient, and is better able to understand and manage the complex demands of today and beyond.

Although talent is distributed equally across humankind, opportunity is not. Providing these opportunities is our goal.

We build mostly buildings, but our diversity builds bridges.

Our Diversity Statement

At Planning Design and Construction, we strive to employ talent as diverse as the client base we serve.

We believe that a diverse and inclusive workforce is more creative, resilient, and is better able to understand and manage the complex demands of today and beyond.

Although talent is distributed equally across humankind, opportunity is not. Providing these opportunities is our goal.

We build mostly buildings, but our diversity builds bridges.

Our Diversity Statement

At Planning Design and Construction, we strive to employ talent as diverse as the client base we serve.

We believe that a diverse and inclusive workforce is more creative, resilient, and is better able to understand and manage the complex demands of today and beyond.

Although talent is distributed equally across humankind, opportunity is not. Providing these opportunities is our goal.

We build mostly buildings, but our diversity builds bridges.

Small Business & Supplier Diversity